the australian government

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    This government is in disintegration mode. And where, pray,are all the screams and admonitions of protest at this shambles from the so-called "Independents", who told us through lying teeth that they chose this party over the other to govern because "we think they will offer more stable government!!" IS this mess their idea, then, of "stable government"?

    Yes, not a peep out of any of them now. Proving that they were talking with forked tongues, and had their own agendas in putting in the Labor Party. As many of the public vote only with their pocket, so these MP's, holier than thou, had the cheek to install this rag tag group to govern, despite the already obvious messes they'd already created. And then to lecture us on how they'd decided what was "good for us!" and now to sit back and not do a darn thing!

    I see the CEO of Woodside has launched a huge and passionate broadside against the Carbon Tax today.
    But will anyone of this Government take any heed? No, they all have their own personal agendas, and that is only to ensure they get themselves re-elected.

    I also see that France has brought in a law to ban the bhurka. And not before time.

    It's a disgrace that it's the host country required to make all the concessions, whilst these illegals dictate their terms to the hosts! Thank God Europe is at last waking up that they are being used up. Maybe too late. But they're awakening - and putting the foot down.

    If you go to another country with a view to settling there, you absorb yourself into that country's practises and embrace them - you don't go to reap the financial benefits, and then just live your old life - segregated and cut off from mainstream society, contributing nothing.

    We need contributors, not more people on the dole queques, competeting with our own, who can't get jobs.

    Stop the boats Julia. Re-open Nauru. It's your bloody-mindedness which is making so many people suffer. And we're becoming a laughing stock around the Pacific, and in Asia, as you frantically umble on trying to find some solution.

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