Again - more mental torment for Chan and Sukamarin, and their...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Again - more mental torment for Chan and Sukamarin, and their poor suffering families (what, deliberate mental suffering being cruelly inflicted -= this is obscene -??) as now it's said the order has gone out from Bali's Chief Prosecutor, just now - that these men are to be moved imminently, order of the Indonesian Attorney General. Which means their bloodthirsty official politically motivated murderous slaughter at the hands of a firing squad who've neede three weeks practice is now three days or so off. NO one condoned these men's original crime.

    But this is NOT the Dark Ages. The burning women as witches era. Racking innocent people - cutting off heads on Tower Lawn, London - and spiking them on London Bridge. Surely, Western civilisation has moved beyond this bestial unspeakable cruelty.

    The punishment NOT fitting the crime. This President (a so called "humanitarian" - bollocks!) doing this to shore up his own political future/career. These men have already done many hard yards - ten years in Kerobokan is the equivalent of 50 years life, so appalling the conditions. They show every sign of having been genuinely re-habilited. Suamarin has just been awarded an Art Degree from Curtin University. Chan, now, apparently and sincerely, a Christian pastor.

    SO much sympathy in this country for alleged outright traitors like "poor" David Hicks from Leftists. Same people happy to see these two die a ghastly, bloody death.

    And the troops (black masked ) and the helicopters, Inodensia - do you think we'll swoop in and pluck these two out? Come on! as I said - why not save yourselves some money - take them up into the back blocks of the rice fields behind Ubud - get them to kneel - get out revolvers - and shoot them, Nazi style, in the back of the head. Balinese officials now involved in getting these two moved.

    OUR Aussies - 88 of them - killed by Indoensians in the Bali bombings. And now this gross mental suffering, going for weeks, for these men and their families - and now this official murderous death?

    Indonesia - quick to put out the hand for help- when theirs are deeply in trouble. And, hypocrties of the first order - as they'll delight in shooting these two, to spite us - they themselves are lobbying, variousy governments, world wide, t0 get their OWN off the death penalty.

    Yes, life is cheap, in Asia. NO concept of what these two men have achieved, whilst in prison, or of the he,lp they have given others, ever revealed in the local news.

    The highest Muslim population in the world - (Bali Hindu) - yet again, here is an instance of Islamic cruelty - at it's absolute bloodthirsty worst!

    Islam - the religion of "love?". Don't think so. Outright pure murder - and entire disregard for the sanctity of life - that's the Islamic creed. The waiting mortician, an insensitive smiling moron - posing with this cardboard coffins (NIL repatriation of these men's beloved bodies back to their suffering families allowed!

    To all who couldn't care less - who want these men dead or who just don't give two hoots - I'd say, what if this were YOUR son, father, brother, uncle, close friend? These blokes have done 10 years already! Now, because of a recent election and change of leader - they are doomed to suddenly have to be oput to death? THis is like something out of a horror movie. Shame on you, Australia - that you haven't protested more loudly. (And shame on our AFP - who orchestrated this scenario.)

    To those who say - "my (so-and so realitve" died of drugs - so let them hang" - I'd ask - where did your loved one get the money to buy them (stealing?). And if you're so hugely angry, who aren't you demanding, back here, that the REAL culprits, the drug baron Mr. Bigs, are now being caught, arrested and given prison for life? Seems they get away with it - and lead a charmed life? HOw, we mjst ask - must be via official corruption - world wide. Yes, it's always the mules who get caught, imprisoned, and killed. The Mr. Big in this case is free, and living the life of Reilly in Sydney, it's alleged! Yet these two lose their young loves? Their familied also sentenced to a long mental "death" of pain and suffering and loss?

    Are we CIVILIZED? NO, we are not. And finally, SHAME on Indonesia - Jakarta - AND the Balinese officials - so beholden to their mates in Jakarta (and don't I know it from my experiences) - all to do with money - and lining one's own pockets.

    If you wish to lodge a last minute and civil protest, please call the Indonesian Embassy, Canberra - phone (02) 6250 -8600.

    I hope, if they die, that some day Karma will catch up with these vile murdering and cruel hard hearted thugs. And that, if asked, we are never as generous with fast aid monies as we once were. For we are being treated with defiance, and arrogant and totally offensive and rude derision. As are these two men - OUR citizens.

    And I thought Aussies were compassionate. But seems they are not.
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