The Battle for South West Syria has started, page-43

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 27

    I have no doubt netanyahu lies and exaggerates every time he opens his mouth, but I don't have any illusions in Putin. He represents the russian oligarchy same as trump and clinton and every US president represents the US oligarchy. None of them care at all about the fate of the russian, american, syrian, jewish or american people.

    They are politicians, their entire existence is bound up with doing deals in the interests of their own capitalist class.
    I've been wondering for a while how come ever since the big missile attack by US UK an France where most of the missiles were shot down by Russian air defence, the Israeli's have been able to bomb Syria with impunity. Because Russia saw that as an attack on its interests, while subsequently Israel was attacking Syrian and Iranian interests and Russia stood down their systems. Russia must have done a deal.

    Russia has far more economic interests with Israel than with Syria and Iran. Hey I'm glad to see US/Israeli regime change operations fail so far but any idea that the US is going to pack up and leave Syria is fanciful imo.

    From the article above I posted on the 18/07/18 about the Helsinki summit.

    "During their joint press conference, Trump and Putin, representing governments that have supported opposite sides in the bloody seven-year-old US-backed war for regime change, expressed their commitment to Israel’s security as well as its interests in the Syrian conflict."

    "Russian and Iranian interests are by no means identical. And it is clear that Israel has to have some level of coordination with Russia in carrying out its attacks in Syria in order to avoid Russian air defense systems.
    The Syrian government daily Al Watan published a column on Monday stating, “The priorities of the Syrian leadership could be different from those of its Iranian and Russian allies. It is no longer a secret that there has been a disagreement between Russia and Iran over what the priorities in Syria are. It was severe at some point … At the end, the two sides have agreed to let the opinion of the Syrian leadership be the arbitrator.”

    "Whatever partial agreements may have been reached between Trump and Putin relating to Syria, the drive by US imperialism is toward a far wider and bloodier war in the Middle East that will inevitably draw the world’s two major nuclear powers into conflict."
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