The Biggest Global Asset Bubble That Ever Was And Ever Will Be., page-178

  1. 129 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 48
    Marum, I've been reading up and trying to get my head around crypto for a while and can only conclude that investing in this space is very, very risky. Most cryptocurrencies appear to have no intrinsic value at all, and appeal to investors on the back of the concept of scarcity, the fact there will only ever be a certain number of coins in circulation. There are some however, that may have utility.

    NFTs appear to have utility in gaming for example. This has really taken off in the Philippines, where office workers who get paid $5-6k a year to work 40 hours a week in a call centre can make more money by staying home and playing games on their mobile phones, accumulating and creating 'assets' in-game that can go up in value in future. Other countries where play-to-earn gaming could take off include Indonesia and Brazil.

    There was discussion earlier in this thread as to where might one want to invest in future, given most asset classes appear to be in a bubble or at least overvalued. I would say leveraging into new and useful technology and the clean/green energy revolution will be two of the best inflation hedges in the next few years.
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