There is the third way of MMT, not that there is anything modern...

  1. 6,936 Posts.
    There is the third way of MMT, not that there is anything modern about it.

    Due to inflation the current yankee dollar is worth approx 1/200 th of what it did in 1900.

    MMT and the alleged Great Reset have some things in common. They both wipe out the savings of the middle class and some others. MMT is basically unrestricted money printing in order to create high inflation and to buy votes, lots of them. It is inflation that steadily reduces the value of bank deposits etc. The economic vandals allow this money printing to go on until inflation gets out of control when they then start to increase taxation. As always people find ways around taxation leading the dictatorship to impose ever increasing control over the population.

    Either way, MMT or the GR, the middle classes will eventually be wiped out and the working class will have been pauperised a long time ago anyway. Those who default on mortgages can expect banks to foreclose then evict and watch as govts pile large refugee etc families into their ex homes. The refugees will flood in to be used against any uprising.

    The Ruling Class though manages to insulate itself from all this vandalism by controlling price rises etc. So we end up with a modern day Russia with a dictatorial govt and a handful of plutocrats who willingly toe the line. Take Jack Ma in China who recently rocked the boat. He disappeared for a year or two and was re-educated. On the other hand Herr Junker in National Socialist Germany refused to toe the line and was removed and perished not long afterwards.

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