"the black swan"

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    What a nasty, spiteful little speech Wayne Swan just made to talk his way around the application of this proposed flood levy and tell us whi will have to pay for it what a noble impost it really is! The thread of it went something like this:-

    "Of course we cannot just depend on volunteers and the generosity of big business to support these (poor) people who are suffering and have lost everything, including their lives. "These people" need the support and genorosity of the general public!

    Tony Abbott says he cares about people and their homes, but the only home he has his eye on is the Lodge!"

    Well, Wayne Swan, get down off your precious Black Swan toes and re-think this through, prima ballerina! Get back into the white tu-tu and tell the truth for a change!

    In horrific situations like we are facing, the public are fragile and vulnerable. ALL of us - we are all impacted somehow! WHO is responsible for repairing and restoring infrastructure, and also restored hope for the people, SO important at this time?? Why, the Federal Government, of course! Out of General Revenue! And the good faith, and the positivity they should be generating, but ARE NOT!

    Local Councils in these stricken areas are now virtually broke beyond their Rates income. THEY cannot keep turning to the people for increased rates funds for this much needed replacement infrastructure. State Governments are doing what they can, but which color politics they are effects outcomes (money and co-operation for the right color boys and girls!).

    No, WHO is responsible, Wayne? Why, the Federal Government of course! Not the volunteers. Not the General Public. Not Local Councils - who may be willing - but don't have any money! Not yet another new law applying yet more mandatory taxes which will never be reversed once established (moreso if Labor are in power). A tax dreamed up by some useless bureacrat in Canberra - or some dolt with no degree in the field of weather patterns and the earth's weather history.

    And now there are two cyclones due to hit Queensland! Who'll pay for THAT damage, if any.

    No, Labor's coffers are bare. Any savings are in the $50 BILLION-ish piggy bank for NBN. As for Abbott and the Lodge, the truth is that Gillard's fingernails must be getting very scratchy from trying to hang on to that abode herself!!

    Of course she has Windsor, Oakeshott, Katter, Wilkie, Bandt, and Brown, and Swan's bile all shouldering at the bottom of the wall with a very strong ladder trying to hold her up! An advantage, I'll admit!

    Do any of these aofrementioned people sleep well at night??

    And why the hell did anyone EVER elect Rudd in the first place? Unmitigated downward spiral of disaster ever since!

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