Haha so you have claimed some sort of victory eh haha, like your...

  1. 77 Posts.
    Haha so you have claimed some sort of victory eh haha, like your work pal.
    If its a race to find out who is more ignorant then you have taken the win hands down.

    I REALLY like the way you have dumbed down the argument to the animal kingdom level. Humans are not animals, our brains have evolved way past the level of kill or be killed.

    Please disregard my previous comment if you believe that a matin man in the sky made the earth and put a man and a woman on it to populate the earth.

    But you have really shown your ignorance again with this little doozie.

    "Now, are these birds racist, or is it an evolutionary war of survival.
    Muslims are imitating the cuckoo bird, and we have every right to defend our species."

    Do do realise that Muslims are not a different species right, there no difference between Christians or Muslims a biological sense.

    Great, then dust that passport off make sure its not expired, book a flight somewhere .. anywhere .... Hell, bali will do, but you do realise that a massive percentage of the Indonesian population are Muslims right? Gee better not go there then. Hmm you might find it difficult to go somewhere that you will not be threatened by Muslims considering its the worlds second largest religion..
    In that case I suggest you head back into your safe place and live your life in ignorant bliss. Probably better for everyone that way.

    I also like your little sign off, "All is fair in love and war" You do realise that this saying implies that the absence of morals is acceptable if the outcome is to your advantage. i.e torture, genocide, the holocaust, rape, murder .. I won't go on but I'm sure you get how stupid your lighthearted comment really was but it once again portrays how shallow your capacity for objective analysis really is.

    Well I'm off to start a 6 month holiday but I will try to stay in touch but considering you are so out of touch that might be difficult.
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