the bolt report, page-6

  1. 135 Posts.
    Tony Jones? Snowcone is all but a fully paid up member of the ALP. Like Red Kerry, he doesn't even offer a semblance of impartiality. Who can forget his disgraceful dummy spit in 2007 when the ABC was dragged kicking and screaming into screening The Great Global Warming Swindle?

    That the ABC uses my taxes as a mouthpiece for the Labor Party and the greens is one of the first issues I trust PM Abbott will address. it is past time for the ABC to be privatised and staff to lose tenure under the Public Service Act. It needs a very big broom through it. Jones would be one of the first to be shown the door.

    Just 2 weeks ago Insiders did an interview with the PM. here was an opportunity for [former Whitlam staffer] Barry Cassidy to explore the myriad of issues ranging from collapsing poll support, an illegal immigrant programme in chaos, lack o fprogress on the carbon dioxide tax, the low takeup rate and high cost of the NBN to date, problems in selling the Budget, BER blowouts - the list goes on. Yet, all that was missing was a hot cup of Twinings and a few scones, such was the grilling he gave her.

    "My ABC"? No

    Your ABC maybe - in which case, you pay for it.
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