yes- we're as mad as hell and we're not going to take to any...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    yes- we're as mad as hell and we're not going to take to any more!

    These biased "pseudo objective" interviewers are rife across all media - we've put up with it for years - and taxpayers are footing the bill for this blatant twisting, or ommission, of truths.

    Funny how they'll froth at the mouth and almost scream - and interrupt, wave a hand, mid answer, to cut off their answer,or write sarcastic and caustically critical articles with regard to representatives of conservative politics - hitting them with hard questions they've spent days dredging up - for some sort of "win" -

    (and then there was the staged "shoe throwing" episode when Howard was on Q&A - what if the shoe had hit - and Howard, say, had lost an eye? Funny, Tony?)

    yet these toadies turn all soft and fuzzy when interviewing their own "mates". It's pathetic journalism, for one thing.

    Worst part of all this - they think most of us out here are stupid enough not to notice!

    Worse, even more, such bias becomes more sinister when it will not criticise crucial issues. Take Victoria, for instant, where there has been an enormous swing to the Left with regard to legal court appointees under former Labor Minister Rob Hull. The public are up in arms against lenient and inapporpriate sentencing.

    And now there's a similar stink in the Victorian Police Force. Talk of political influences, pre- Ted Baillieu.

    Such biased malleable journalists can do immense harm by NOT criticising, no matter how serious the issues. Then wrongs and injustices fester - and go on for years unquestioned - and unchallenged. Or may even become entrenched, forever.

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