The Bomber Harris approach, page-4

  1. 7,890 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 24
    Bomber Harris oversold what his forces could do -
    bombing accuracy generally was shithouse -
    it took specialist units like Pathfinders to hit anything other than broad areas -
    If cities were the target - no worries bombs could be unloaded on a city as long as your navigator got you to the right one -
    I am not trying to belittle what our forces did against fighters and flak - casualty rates were high - life expectancy short -
    note how after D-Day when our troops were bogged down against hard German defences -
    bombers were useless due to being too inaccurate to assist in that tactical situation -
    that is without bombing Allied lines -
    remember to the early 1942 "Channel dash"
    when RAF with a choice of weapons from different sized bombs - torpedoes -
    could not stop the German Navy heavy units from getting from Brest to their home ports in broad daylight.
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