the brits are coming

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    top destination for new life.

    "A new survey has revealed that up to a third of all Britons who have actively considered moving abroad have Australia in their sights. It seems the dream of a new life Down Under is very much alive and kicking in Britain, and if the statistics quoted by this new study are accurate, demand for emigration visas for relocation to Australia could soon be in even greater demand.

    The survey conducted by Currency UK found that 75% of those questioned had considered moving abroad, and that Australia was the most popular country under consideration. So, do you wish you were living in Australia now that Britain has a hung parliament and is bailing out foreign economies despite being practically bankrupt itself? In this report we’re going to show you how to emigrate!

    From discussing the practical aspects of applying for a visa, to speaking openly about the employment and economic situation in Australia right now, we’ll cover all the bases so that if you are contemplating a relocation, Australia could become a reality for you and your family. Remember, never give up on your dream of a new life abroad – just start planning to make it happen.

    The survey by Currency UK revealed that the poor state of the economy in Britain is the main driver behind so many people contemplating a move abroad. The second most common reason cited by those who want to emigrate as driving their decision is the lack of employment opportunities in the UK, with others mainly wanting a better work/life balance from a move. If you share these thoughts and feelings, clearly you’re not alone.

    Whilst many other countries are considered by would-be expatriate Britons, Australia is the number one choice. It seems to offer almost everything you could want – a better climate, a stronger economy, a better work/life balance, familiarity and many commonalities from language to education and health care systems for example. However, emigration to Australia is not as easy as packing your bags and booking a plane ticket as anyone who has already made the move will tell you.

    Australia places a very strict limit on the number of immigrants it can and will accept each year – with people like you and I usually having to apply for a visa based on the skills we can bring to the nation. What’s more, earlier this year the government put in place a temporary suspension of certain General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa applications because of over demand. This proves that demand for visas to relocate is currently intense – at a time when there are fewer employment opportunities in Australia.

    Australia has suffered from the fallout from the global economic crisis almost as much as the UK has, what’s more, it has welcomed home many Australia citizens who were, until the crash and global recession happened, happily living and working abroad. They have returned and naturally enough, it’s a case that the local economy has to find jobs for the local people first. So, as a foreign worker applying to move Down Under and find work, you have to get to the back of the queue behind Australians.

    This is not to say that all visa classes have been suspended, and you should refer to the Skilled Occupation List which has been recently updated to determine whether you have the qualifications, talent or experience in demand in Australia that will help you find and secure work, and secure a residency visa to boot. For example, those with medical or IT, high level management or engineering qualifications and skills are still in demand – and if that’s you, you can be more confident that you’ll get a visa to relocate.

    If on the other hand you’re aware that perhaps your skills are not the most sought after, or you’re concerned that your age will count against you perhaps, there may be better ways for you to secure your visa. If you can secure the offer of employment in Australia before applying for a visa to relocate Down Under, so much the better! Many who already have a job find that they can be fast tracked through the system…so you could contemplate remotely looking for work, or travelling to Australia on a holiday visa and working very hard to get in front of recruiters and really selling yourself. You will have to leave the country to correctly apply for relocation and residency, but if you have a firm offer of a job waiting for you when you arrive, your application may be viewed far more favourably.

    Other ways you can get a visa include if you already have close family living in Australia who can sponsor you, or if you’re an employer who wants to move their business to Australia and create jobs. Alternatively, if you have money to invest and you’re prepared to put it into Australia for a fixed term, you could get a dedicated visa under the Business Skills migration programme. The very best place to begin your search for which visa type you should apply for is the Australian Government’s Department of Immigration and Citizenship website. Here you will find everything from a visa wizard that will help you work out which class of visa you should apply for, to the latest updates on the Skilled Occupation list and even background information about living, working and even applying for citizenship in Australia. It really is a fantastic resource.

    The next most important thing to consider is whether Australia really is the best place for you to relocate to. As stated, the dream of a life Down Under encompasses everything from a perfect climate to a dream nation where there are job and opportunities aplenty. However, Australia has not been immune to the global financial crisis, it has political arguments ongoing within its government, and the economy is nowhere near as strong as it was. This should not necessarily put you off emigration by any means, but we draw it to your attention to show you that nowhere in the world is perfect, every nation has inbuilt and ingrained issues.

    If you are going to make a move abroad, you need to be very realistic about what the new country will offer you in terms of opportunities, lifestyle, quality of life and happiness. Do not move with rose coloured glasses on, assuming that everything will be perfect! And if you’ve never been to Australia before, we Brits have such a false idea of the nation that can only be rectified with a visit. We urge anyone contemplating relocating to somehow fund the money for the flights and accommodation, and to take at least a short break (ideally an extended holiday) in Australia. Spend time travelling round and getting to know the different regions and the people, look away from the tourism sights and sounds to see what real life is like in Australia and whether it really appeals.

    If you do like the look of what you find, what do you need to know about Australia’s economic position? After all, if the majority of Britons who want to emigrate are seeking a relocation because of the dire state of the economy in the UK, is it any better Down Under? Well, the good news is that according to ‘The Australian’ newspaper today, Kevin Rudd, the Australian Prime Minister has said that under his government “Australia had avoided recession, had the lowest debt, the lowest deficit and second lowest unemployment rate.” And that as a result: “the record of the Australian government during the global downturn [has been] unmatched by any other in the Western world.”

    Speaking on the eve of the nation’s next budget which is expected to focus heavily on maintaining Australia’s strong economy, Rudd has done all he can to reassure his country’s people that Australia is well on track for ongoing and continued recovery – fantastic news for relocating Brits. However – because of this fact, you can also expect demand for visas to continue to remain very intense indeed, so if you really do want to get out of the UK and move Down Under, you need to begin the application process as soon as you can.

    Get online, get on forums where other expats who have already made the move hang out, and get tips for filling in your application. There are companies who will help you to fill in the many complexities of your visa form to the very best of your ability so you stand the best chance of acceptance, but they all charge a high fee. However, if you can spare the money and you are really determined to make the move, you may find that using such a service will benefit you. Otherwise, take the application seriously, and take your time reading it through, understanding all aspects of it and then do your very best to complete it as fully and as well as possible.

    Finally, don’t be put off your dream of a move simply because it seems there are many other people dreaming of the same outcome – a lot of people never get any further than idealising a relocation. If you’re serious about living in Australia, do all you practically can to make it happen – plan on succeeding and focus strongly on making the move happen. Your positive determination may very well be the booster you need to turn your dream into reality."
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