I have been researching this topic for the past month or so,...

  1. 848 Posts.
    I have been researching this topic for the past month or so, before that I had an intuitive feel that the CO2 drama was all one big scam. I have put a few things together which argues against man's influence on the climate to date. I present them as follows in the next several posts. Clear that man made climate change is a fraud. No ETS, vote Tony Abbott!!!

    The effects of industrial CO2 output on our climate to this point are minimal. A doubling of todays CO2 levels will probably be reached by the end of this century if we continue with our current trajectory. This will probably lead to a fraction of a degree Celsius increase in temperature which would hardly be catastrophic. In fact it would be a good thing. More CO2 will lead to forestation increasing and agriculture would yield more. We know plants require CO2 to grow. We are currently at 380 parts per million (ppm) CO2 in our atmosphere, 1200 ppm is the optimum level for plant growth, that is, they will grow quicker and bigger.

    If CO2 was a real legitimate problem then the obvious solution would be to go nuclear. Why has this hardly been suggested? Instead we hear the solution is emission trading schemes (ETS). How can an ETS be a solution when China will not have one? An ETS would only serve to create greater energy costs and de-industrialization as business will move to China. Therefore, an ETS is not the solution. It is clear that the effects of CO2 have been grossly exaggerated to cheat the people of money and to give the ruling class yet more power and control.

    In any event nuclear reactors will probably be a significant source of energy by the end of this century. It currently supplies 15 % of the worlds electricity needs, around 80 % in France. Eventually cars will be electric and charged from the nuclear grid. There is absolutely no need to take drastic de-industrializing measures for the CO2 non-problem at this point. The third world should be aggressively industrialized to raise their living standard. The added CO2 to the atmosphere will lead to better third world agriculture.
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