A good article which certainly supports the discussion I had with Dr Kemp in QLD when I was getting my prescription.
Respecting all the losses we have suffered here, I think that it is time people started to focus on the positives of what this company could achieve and leave the past 4 years behind as lessons for us all. CGB is the only company, that I am aware of, (happy to be corrected) that has access to both an instant release and future extended time-release GMP grade pharmaceutical that could revolutionise and change the face of the pain landscape here in Australia and globally with a natural medicinal solution that won't hurt the gut.
I for one, now that it is on its way and having been informed of the ongoing results of the Fusspiot cream with my mate's wife postpartum stretching, have re-entered and have begun reinvesting in CGB again for my medications. I will be reinvesting with the goal to take ownership so that I can have my voice heard in their decision making. (Not advice for others to follow. My own personal decision)