The China Syndrome, page-10

  1. 17,482 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Some interesting thoughts from both camps.

    IMO China is the powerhouse economy of the world and certainly for the S.E A sian and South Pacific region.
    Australia, N.Z. both rely heavily on China's continued buying of IO and coal for Australia and Dairy products from N.Z, dairy is probably the biggest sector in N.Z.
    China has not only proliferated in the S. China sea area it has also been buying assets and lending boat loads of money throughout the S.Pacific area in all those small little countries that Australia has neglected. You have seen how Chinese money has pumped up our property market so far there is only one way for it to go. They own our most strategic port, most of our electricity delivery service, a whole lot of rural properties, a lot of fingers in the mining pies including the Hancock legacy and they would buy as much as possible if the people didnt not speak up and force the government into action.

    Then you have the US. China is the US biggest debt bond buyer and holder outside the US Fed. The US is dependent on China continuing its buying of US government debt bonds. If China stops buying US debt bonds the problem is who the hell will buy them given they will go to hell in hand basket if China stops buying them.
    If China stops then the bond market may well be toast and if the US bond market is toast then the markets in general are toast.

    The US bond market yield curve is very flat and warning of a big problem ahead.

    As I see it the only reason people think China will keep buying is the status quo of the world. Personally I think it would be in China,s best interests to break the Status quo of the world powers.

    I am by no means a Chinese sycophant but I can see the writing on the walls right now and that writing says, "NWO Collapse, status quo collapse."
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