ddzxwhat exactly is: (i) sexual immorality; (ii) adultery; &...

  1. 5,436 Posts.
    what exactly is: (i) sexual immorality; (ii) adultery; & (iii) what rationale does your God disapprove of this things?
    You need to ask God that question not posters on HC.And if you try hard enough you will find the answer.
    Why read the bible in the first place to try and understand God?
    Is the bible your God ? It is not mine.
    Why are there so many interpretations of the content of the bible by different Christians ?
    What applies to one Christian does not apply to a Muslim ,Hindu etc. Does that mean that God is only for christians?

    What is Morality anyway ?

    I for one has not read the bible ,yet i do believe in God.
    Don t ask me about the 10 commandments either.I don t know .
    But i do "try" to observe the two greatest commandments that Jesus gave us.
    Love thy God above all things and second, love thy neighbour as you would love to be treated yourself. Something like that :)
    If you don t love your neighbour you are not loving God.

    I have not seen God, but do have a conscience to tell what is right or wrong doing. This makes me different than an animal whose priorities are very different.

    God is love, God is justice, God forgive us for our trespasses ,God knows that we are humans and not gods.

    One can fool self when doing the "wrong thing by his conscience" but cannot fool God.

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