The Christmas Pagan Lie..., page-15

  1. 28,266 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 3
    I would like to explain a few points to you if I may.
    • Santa is not a real magical person who sneaks around the world like a thief uninvited on Christmas Eve. Even in our high-tech age that would be impossible. Santa is make-believe for children and even the make-believe version is invited with cookies and milk.
    • The roles of Santa are typically fulfilled by a parent or caregiver in each household that participates.
    • Nobody worships the fictitious character Santa; some may worship fictitious characters but not Santa.
    • I find it appropriate to celebrate the birth of Christ on a day set aside for this celebration. A song that is played frequently on the local radio station is: Man Shall Live Forevermore Because of Christmas Day. That for believers is something to celebrate.
    • I don't know anybody that uses lights to ward off evil spirits.

    By all means, don't celebrate the birth of Christ, but please let people who want to do so without feeling guilty about it.
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