Etherazer, pedantry might not be your strong suite, but then...

  1. 9,531 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 522
    Etherazer, pedantry might not be your strong suite, but then comprehension doesn't look like it is either. no matter.

    i'm not talking about temperature data.

    on july 17, you posted the following:

    'We've had terrible frosts here near the VIC coast this winter, as severe as I can recall with some patches of frost still there at midday; clearly NOT evidence of Global Warming or Catastrophic Anthropologic Climate Change."

    who ever said it was evidence? not me.

    once again, allow me to reiterate, repeat the point, say it one more time..

    temperature or any other data related to any one location, such as in this case coastal Vic, the location you cited, isn't a proxy for temperature or any other data for Earth. quite simple, really. what is not to understand?

    again, i welcome the introduction of science onto a denialist's thread. i wish it happened more often.
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