It’s always good to get back to basics as to why we’re even...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 511
    It’s always good to get back to basics as to why we’re even discussing the impacts of anthropogenic global warming and climate change.

    In the fog of noise generated by the inanities posted on HC by Jopo and ilk, and the desperately corrupt myopia of the conmen in the COALition govt, it’s easy to overlook what is really at stake here.

    New York-based writer Emily Raboteau addressed this and cognate issues in an essay entitled “Climate Signs” published Feb. 1, 2019, in The New York Review Of Books, a small section of which is reproduced below.

    in the essay she says two degrees of global warming has been described as genocide.

    according to the latest official data, Earth has warmed about one degree since the Industrial Revolution.

    so, we could be half way to genocide. I’ve heard that’s a one way ticket; no return tickets available.


    ”Two degrees of global warming, according to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), marks climate catastrophe.

    ”At two degrees, which is our best-case climate scenario if we make seismic global efforts to end carbon emissions, which we are not on course to do, melting ice sheets will still pass a point of no return, flooding NYC and dozens of other major world cities; annual heat waves and wildfires will scrub the planet; drought, flood, and fluctuations in temperature will shrink our food supply; water scarcity will hurt four hundred million more people than it already does. Statistical analysis indicates only a 5 percent chance of limiting warming to less than two degrees.

    “Two degrees has been described as “genocide.” In fact, we’re on track for over four degrees of warming and an unfathomable scale of suffering by century’s end.”
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