Yeze, "Why is Musk dangerous?" Because he's the richest man in...

  1. 9,958 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1069

    "Why is Musk dangerous?"

    Because he's the richest man in the planet who has financed his man into the Whitehouse and just happens to have the most widely used social media platform in the world which he uses to amplify his views and silence those he doesn't.

    As evidenced recently by the number of right wing commentators that he, banned, shadow banned, demonetised and blew up deluxe at because they said something negative about him.

    He just happens to also be inserting himself into the political discourse of a number of other countries, where his misinformation is seeing a number of commentators and politicians who previously supported him, speaking out against him.

    "...and you have had zero issues with Zuckerberg, Soros and Gates being major sponsors of both the leftwing clown club and the corporate media."

    Now you are just making stuff up, I suspect to make your own opinions appear to have weight. Which unsurprisingly they don't...

    Zuck, Soros and Gates should be banned from financing campaigns along with Musk, Adelson et al.

    Get the money out of the parties. That's my view.

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