There speaks a closed mind. Unfortunately the USA has a long...

  1. 115 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    There speaks a closed mind.

    Unfortunately the USA has a long (criminal) record. eg.The Gulf of Tonkin incident (lies leading to 3 million Vietnamese Cambodian & Laotian deaths. Do you imagine that those that loved these people have forgotten OR forgiven?). Saddam's weapons of mass desctruction (lies --- leading to countless Iraqi deaths AND the effective disintegration of the Iraqi state. Uncounted because the US military impeded the tallying of the Iraqi dead). The rape of Iraq's assets into the coffers of the American state to pay for the (unjustified) invasion of their own country by the "coalition of the willing" (sic!). The massacre at Mai Lai --- you can still see video of the PARTICIPANTS (or the ones with enough humanity to feel any remorse) talking of the horrific things they did to the completely innocent population of Mai Lai on YouTube. A crime against humanity for which nobody was ever properly punished. Or perhaps you think the Viet Cong were invading America? The kidnapping and torture of often innocent people during the US progem of Extrodinary Rendition?

    All these things happened. Do you expect the world to just forget because that would serve your interest? Just because YOUR propaganda has conveniently airbrushed these things out of official history (or tried to)? Or do you deny that all these things happened too? Do you think that because its the USA your country (or your favoured country) should not be held accountable --- while at the same time insisting that other countries --- many of whom have comitted lesser horrors --- must be held to account?

    Likewise Event 201 took place at the dates and using the scenarion indicated in the OFFICIAL NOTICE of this "excercise", which I posted and which you are claiming are "anti-American hysteria". The accident at Fort Detrick also happened. The "mystery illness" that followed 40 kms away happened too. They are all well documented and very poorly covered up (but we've got to investigate Chinese labs because of your "anti-Chinese hysteria" fueled by a buring resentment that Chinese system is currently burying your own dated and corrupted system --- not that the Chinese side is clean skin either (because one side is "bad" does not necessarily make the other "good" --- all sides can can easily be equally "bad" ---- and equally arrogant)

    So you are either yet another arrogant bigotted and dishonest neo-fascist ------- we very gladly hung a load of Nazis here in Europe that last time round. Don't imagine history could not repeat itself and we could not do the same thing again one day --- and with great glee! Or else you are a downright liar.

    And as for Clausewitcz, he was and is a well known military philosopher who is widely quoted and well respected (by most THINKING peolpe). If you had even bothered to read what the man wrote AND you have the intellect, you could readily see some wisdom in his words and the logic he used for arriving at them them ------------ as have countless others in military colleges accross the globe, as well as private citizens like myself.

    But while styling yourself "diligent", you never checked out the content in any of those links, did you? Because you think you know it all already (and God bless america, doubtless too). Didn't read a word of what Clausewitz wrote either (you can read I suppose?). Just jumped to a verdict having never even looked at any of the evidence.

    Very GOP style that. ie.Don't confuse me by presenting me with the inconveniet FACTS. My PREDJUDICES are already decided (without eve the politesse of a "but thank you very much just the same").

    Well thank you very much just the same, from me to you because I refuse to stoop to your level, "freind".

    PS. My life is full and far from dreary thanks very much. How's yours?

    .............. and have a good day
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