Hey there Moorookamick. I more or less agree with most all of...

  1. 122 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 52
    Hey there Moorookamick. I more or less agree with most all of what you're saying. You've got a sharp open and analytic mind and seems to me you are a person who is pretty much on the ball.

    Good luck to you, sir.

    And I'd also like to thank some others on this thread who consistently compose intelligent reasoned and good humoured posts on this topic (more or less). Contributors like Watso, Cosmoterios, Taurisk and a few others. To all of you I say, thank you for your contributions. I enjoyed reading them. You brought some light into my days.

    However, I'm finding that this thread is too full of boorish unintelligent people. Trolls who seem to think that debating means shouting the other party down and hurling personal insults. People who have nothing logical original nor reasoned to say. The kind of people who blindly support demagogs and prefer "alternative truths" to logic or to facts.

    To these people I say:

    • There are none so blind as those who do not wish to see (so they keep their eyes tight shut).
    • None so ignorant as those who do not want to learn (so they burn books).
    • None so deaf as those who spend all their time shouting but can't or don't want to listen (so they block their ears aka don't read what was contributed).
    • None so ill informed as those who know it all already (because some tinpot guru has spouted some lies or half-truths)
    • None so benighted as those can't do any research for themselves.

    So as for me, I'm going to stop posting on this thread. I have more important fish to fry. Posting for the benefit of boorish fools is depressing and a waste of my time and energy. I

    As Jesus of Nazareth reportedly said:

    "Those who have eyes to see, let them see. Those who have ears to hear, let them hear."

    PS. I truly hope I'm wrong, but some of you may just remember some of what I said in some of my posts someday.
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