Don't want to post too much here now. Not any more! Way things...

  1. 115 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 39
    Don't want to post too much here now. Not any more! Way things are going I'm getting scared to speak out in this world of alleged "freedom of expression". Besides my wife is starting to fear my posts --- which are actually NOT pro-Russian any more than they are pro-anybody at all --- might soon lead to a 3am knock on the door by men in black. Personally I feel that is still a bit extreme, but in principle she's right. There are many ways a country can make life hard for a foreign resident they don't like --- and his family --- just becasue he's too outspoken and doesn't pay lip service to conventional wisdom. So I'll quit posting after this --- that way the missus will stop nagging me (perhaps!!!)

    I'm resident in Europe (France). They even display the Ukrainian flag in the corner of the TV screen for France Televisoion broadcasts at the moment. That's "neutrality"!!!!

    Here the EU President, Ursula Van De Lyen, --- a German --- 2 days ago gave an empassioned and totally one-sided and totally propagandist speech to the council of Europe on the Ukraine. Maybe it even made the news down there? President Zelensky then adressed the EU by internet and got a standing ovation when he demanded that Ukraine join the EU without ANY pre-condition whatsoever --- on the basis that Ukraine is fighting Russia "for the freedom of Europe". Van de Lyen has banned Russia Today and Sputnik from EU airspace and interrnet (freedom of expression?) branding all its content as ill-intentioned and fake news. ie.Censorship to my mind. So nobody can hear the other side's version of anything. The European Comission are forking out a billion and a half Euros of European taxpayer's funds to help arm the Ukraine with "defensive weapons" --- including fighter jets!!! Russia we are told by the TV and our politicians over and over again is the unprovoked agressor and has no justifiable concerns at all (Bullshit! Of course they do. That's why they are doing all this). Any French journalist brave enough to even question the Ukrainian version of reality --- there was one --- risks their job (if not their well being).

    Things are on a very clear glide path towards a big European war here with France in poll position. Pre-organised it might even seem to be to a cynic? That just as they lift all COVID restrictions. Coincidence?

    All totally unbelievable --- but true. And very very scary for a rationalist who seeks nothing more than guarded neutrality like me. Putin made a big mistake --- but Bliken and Biden have been very bustysetting this up for some time. NO US boots on the ground. Europe will do it for them. Europe stands to lose much. The US to gain much. Mike Pompeo is meanwhile visiting Taiwan advocating that the US recogise the island forthwith as an independant state and Uncle Sam has just sent (another) guided missle destroyer through the narrow straights that separate Taiwan from the mainland (ie.PRC).

    All dovetails pretty much perfectly with the conclusions of the strategy document from the RAND corporation I previosuly posted and Frank Lowrys take on that document (see my earlier posts).

    Keep your heads down diownunda --- and play safe.

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