The Collapse of the American Empire, page-3

  1. 4,310 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 699
    While I give it low odds, I don't think it's out of the realm of possibility for the US to lose reserve status in the coming decade(s).
    I'm not sure who as you say has been calling for it's demise in past decades - they had lost their marbles - however going forward we should perhaps take off the rose glasses.

    China have been planning it for decades...
    - their GDP is set to overtake the US in 2027. Probably earlier if you ignore the MSM's "strong economy" narrative and look at the abysmal US economic news first hand.
    - it's been made no secret, they've made it one of their core objectives... they've also shown their industriousness, their (deceptive) competitiveness and innovation (through I.P theft lol)
    - there's a rumour that their digi yuan will be backed by gold. Given the inflationary nature of most currencies these days if true it could spell trouble
    - i'm aware of a few countries that have already ditched their USD holdings
    - their belt and road initiative has many countries under their thumb... I imagine they would get onboard (or be boarded onto rather)
    - if the US FED is unable to get control of inflation and commodities soar (being priced in USD) it could be the justification for many countries who wouldn't otherwise to make the switch.
    - a gold backed asset/currency is something investors may have a hard time passing up...

    As I said, low odds, but i'm not going to ignore the possibility. The USD is on a death march, no doubt about it. The DXY is appearing strong lately... (not hard when it's compared to a basket of other inflating currencies) running twice now after the latest CPI data... it doesn't make sense - until you realize the market is pushing it up with the expectation that the FED will raise rates. But the FED can't raise rates, everything will crash.

    The FED can either let the USD continue it's death march - meanwhile the world is tortured by commodity prices or they raise rates.... seems like a perfect opportunity for China to rollout their grand plan...

    Depending on the implementation of a gold backed digi yuan (considering privacy track/tracing concerns etc) there could be a showdown.
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