The Collapse of the American Empire, page-1060

  1. 1,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 438

    thank you for your input and the chart you shared! let me tell you something Real about China that you won't hear in the Media0:

    I have done business in China from 2004 until 2016. China's construction growth is as fake as the castle I built on Jupiter. Why you might ask? Well, China's high rises and multi units developments in Beijing, Shanghai and other large cities there are 70% vacant. No one lives in them, they are only built to impress the world !?!?!? Notwithstanding, China's financial woos and heavy debt is hidden from view and anyone who speaks out about it is muzzled, silenced or made disappeared! The world has finally caught on China's Mafia style rule and expansionist style bullying and is beginning to take proactive measures to counter it.

    There's one thing you can't take away from them, the Chinese are one people and one race, Immigration is not allowed, whereby in the western world Immigration has been the single biggest problem and the leaders are too dumb to understand its long term grave implications. Read the Book By Douglass Murray titled: The Strange Death of Europe.

    In my view, in the U.S , immigration was a blessing, now it's a curse ( I'm sorry to say) current U.S Administration is destroying the country through previously unimaginable dumb and dangerous policies, it breaks my heart to see it.

    Why would any American President like Joe Biden wants open border and disregard the immigration Laws already enacted by Congress and blatantly ignore the constitution? to whose benefit? It breaks my heart!

    This madness cannot go on and something has to give??????? When, and how? Don't know!

    America cannot self destruct!
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