"I believe these vaccines have been around for a good while now,...

  1. 23,165 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    "I believe these vaccines have been around for a good while now, and they havnt just been smashed out of the lab over the last few months. "

    Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts (R) tried that defence too & was quickly shut down.

    "Ricketts argued that the Covid-19 vaccine does not have a "long history" of use.

    "That's why it should be a personal choice and not something mandated by the government," he added.

    Wallace pushed back by noting that the polio vaccine was mandated as soon as it was available.

    "So we're in the middle of a pandemic, there is a new vaccine that Donald Trump was largely responsible for, it's been approved -- full approval -- by the FDA," Wallace said.

    "Again, if the polio vaccine is OK for parents and they have to comply with it to send their kid to school, why not the vaccine for this disease?""

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