Dr. DParticipantButtigeig, Yes, you keep the Director there so...

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    Dr. D

    Buttigeig, Yes, you keep the Director there so she can destroy evidence which she is a subject matter expert in. No, that’s not going to wash. You can merely suspend her so she can’t sit in the office, and see if maybe she makes phone calls directing it all from home. This is more suspicious, which is bad for the investigation, and run by the FBI, but good for us on the outside, as we might finally not trust Daddy government, and stop covering for why he’s slipping into your sister’s room at night. …For the love of God. What does it take?

    Discrediting means WE have get up off our -ss and do something. We’re on our own – and that’s the essence of being American. The WEF/Davos are all collectivists, that’s what they’re selling. What happens if you already lived out “Stalin-lite?” It doesn’t sell although everything sells with someone and there are parties selling the joys of the USSR in Russia today, but they don’t have traction and there is a Spaghetti Monster Party too.

    Biden: so a lot of talk, but nothing on why Biden won’t step down. Anyone? Telling me why he won’t might help explain, since you have to talk about it 40 times a day for 40 days. No? Dark only on that aspect. Never mentioned once. They ARE admitting “Obama” is running it all though.

    “The US Secret Service has acknowledged that it rejected requests to strengthen former US President Donald Trump’s security with its resources for two years before the assassination attempt,”

    This was the Stochastic Terrorism attempt, but clearly if all THIS didn’t cause it, there’s no such thing. So they had to take action themselves.

    “Lots of people at the Secret Service must be fired.”

    Yes, and every one of them are WAY above the agents on the ground. As usual. So start with the Dept head who took no consequences, as usual. There is no cause and effect. If you are weak, and have need, we GIVE things to you. We don’t TAKE things, like your awesome responsibility, job, and title away. That wouldn’t be Socialism. We take FROM the agents who piled on Trump and give TO Cheadle who stood them all down. That’s how this works.

    No cause and effect. = Pure Madness. #AntiLogos.

    Every employee sees this every day, in every company in America. #AntiCapitalism. Paid to AntiProduce.

    “• Could Trump’s Election End NATO’s Proxy War In Ukraine Against Russia? (SCF)

    That’s already done. And collapse Blackrock, WEF, Europe, and their nest of scum and villainy? The article posted by Day yesterday was great, again nothing new, but great (Helmer?). NATO decided – just as they’re STILL doing now, to take on ANOTHER 1,000 miles of border in Finland. They are diluting and bankrupting themselves at the speed of light. It’s gobsmacking. What do they send TO Finland? 600 men. Finland is like “Great, now we need all your Patriot, tanks, …” “Uh, yeah we ain’t got any. We got 600 men for 1,000 miles of border though!” “Do you have any concrete, oil, wood for building these 15 bases that are all under American domestic law?” “Yeah, not so much. All that came from Russia and times iz tough. Good luck tho!”

    Same with Estonia, etc although the 1,000 miles might be in circumference. So as Helmer said, every DAY they added more NEED. …And yet every DAY they reduced EVERY ability. That’s the APEX of AntiLogic, that’s the pinnacle on the earth, planet Dirt, so far, of anti-military strategy. I bet you $1,000 no one in the history of the world has ever been that dumb before. Seeing they’re outnumbered, and as NATO’s founders said, Russia is ENORMOUS, and there is no POSSIBLE stopping them, even in 1949, 1960, they are like King Leonidas at Thermopylae, outnumbered, cut off, so Leonidas says, “Oi! Right! What we’re a-gonna do, is line up our men one by one, in a line from the Cyclades to Thessaloniki such that we have one Spartan per 2 miles. Chop chop!”

    THAT is what NATO did. Not just did, not just did NOW with adding Finland, but did EVERY DAY SINCE 1994.

    Getting somewhere here: Now we know France, Germany, etc have NO armies. They couldn’t even hold their town squares from an internal food riot. But just like Finland, just like Bastiat, they are All going to “everybody live at everybody else’s expense.” France assumes they don’t have to, because Germany will. Germany assumes they don’t have to because England will. England has an army so small you can put it in a high school stadium. They assume only Germany will get blown to pieces and AMERICA will. And America?

    Okay, Duran yesterday, AMERICA HAS NO GUNPOWDER FACTORY. None. Not one in all 8 MILLION sq kilometers. They have in a sense no shell factory. This is a long tortured system but there is no TNT which is what is in shells. Well, butter my buns, TNT is a an OSHA and environmental hazard! It was outlawed and closed. No TNT in America. They DID put up a brand-new super-duper NOT-TNT factory of a propellant no one had ever made before, and guess what? It doesn’t work. So 10 years later, it doesn’t work. So 10 years later, that factory still can’t be arsed to make “TNT”. And the U.S. government, Pentagon, and $36 Trillion dollars, still can’t be arsed to care. All this is coming from existing factories, and in the west there is only ONE: A Reich-made factory in POLAND. Yeah, you see we care about environment, safety, soooo much, it’s okay when POLAND pollutes and gets blown up. Just like China. As long as you burn coal for Teslas pollute somewhere ELSE, with the SLAVES, then it’s okay, it’s love and environmental.

    So. The U.S. has NO gunpowder factory or source at all. It has ONE TNT factory. It has like 5 shell factories, none of which are upgraded, And for decades they didn’t produce enough shells even for the US Army, who were working down warehouses. Actually for fun, Obama was the bottom of this trend, and TRUMP was the one who got them at least out of mothballs again. For the barely-anemic runs they’re doing now. So TRUMP is the one fighting in Ukraine, and with Javelins, while years of Democrats did not. Some Putin-puppet he is!

    Wonder why they can’t up production? Oh it gets worse. There IS a factory, totally in mothballs for years. Guess what? The CHEMICALS they need to ship in on rail to open that gunpowder factory ALSO don’t exist. It wouldn’t matter if you did. So now you need a 1) Shell factory, bullet factory 2) A TNT/Gunpowder factory AND 3) a Dow Chemical factory, maybe several, to make the pre-cursor parts.

    Oh btw, do you have railroads for that, Mr. Derailment-central, Union Strikebreaker? How those bridges doing? We make locomotives, right? No, no, and no.

    So all Europe thinks the U.S. is going to 1) Man everything. 2) Move everything 3) Shoot everything. And all for Freeeeeeeeee!!!! …I guess it never occurred to anyone to see if they have any 1) Ships 2) Men or 3) Bullets? Never checked?

    I wrote it right here on this spreadsheet!!! It says, We and NATO have a million-billion men.

    So…if you all LIE to each other, often enough and hard enough, that wins the war?

    I will heal you with my lies!!

    Okay, other thoughts: WE HAVE MOVED THE U.S. BACK IN TIME PAST THE 18th Century tech – which is true, we don’t even make THOSE tools ourselves – and into the 17th CENTURY. Where we can’t even make gunpowder for ball muskets. Congratulations. You made Ayn Rand right AGAIN, where the middle managers would f– up so bad people would be building huts, chasing rabbits with a stick, and driving covered wagons to get places ‘cause the railroads have stopped.

    …But we’re going to beat Russia any day now, I hear. We’ve got them on the run.

    Again, we have no powder, no TNT, no precursor chemicals, no factories, no machines, no tools the make the machines, no steel, no rail, no labor force, and no shell casings.

    Why am I still talking? That’s all to say this:
    We now have been FACE FIRST into a BRICK WALL of how much we suck and have nothing. How CATASTROPHICALLY unprepared we are. For THREE YEARS. What’s our response? Stolz, Starmer, Scholz, Macron, Biden, Blinken, Austin?


    We have no shell factories, no rails, no powder, no chemicals, and we have no PLANS for any TNT, Powder, shells, bullets, chemicals or railways.

    They didn’t even write it on a spreadsheet and PRETEND we were building them. We have, and I quote, done


    …I don’t know what to tell you. I don’t know what to say. Thanks, I guess? Because the only way we won’t expand this war is because we literally can’t?

    …Really think you might want to make blackpowder since we’re all going to be shooting deer and chasing rabbits soon though.
    …And no one cares. So THAT is really what I’m trying to express to you today. Three YEARS. No one realizes. No one cares. We have literally outpaced Idiocracy, “To Infinity! And Beyond!”

    Yes, we, and everyone, have told you this all along. We told you in Pentagon reports. We told you in newspapers. We told you in
    congressmen, we told you out here in deer-hunting ranges, we told you when there was 2 years of cartridge shortages. We told you we told you, we told you. Everyone who ever looked, filed an official report, and told you. Just like NAFTA, the MFN status, steel mills, ship yards, and everything else. We told you for 40 years. Surprise! “Nobody coulda knewd!”

    “• Erdogan Teaches His NATO Allies Some Unpleasant Truths (Amar)

    Yes, that he has the ONLY army in Europe, and is a member of both NATO and BRICS. Yet he’s the worthless jackass. Explain?

    “• Ukraine Crisis Is Europe’s Responsibility – Trump ‘Envoy’ (RT)

    “If you want to do it, YOU do it.” …Yes, but there is no NATO, since as original, as Helmer says, ALL EUROPE is not enough to stop the Soviet Union. That’s why they needed us too. Awwww, too bad! Guess you’ll have to work it out. Bye.

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