The comfort of the 'Deep State'

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 315
    I've just been going over the history of Trump and the hold he appears to have over a significant segment of American voters.

    Trump is a sociopath plain and simple. As his history shows he is willing to trample on anyone or any institution which he perceives to stand in his way. His recent acceptance speech full of absurd lies and false statements which his supporters appear oblivious to be able to see. For God's sake he's been pronounced a criminal, a felon - and he's a contender for the presidency of the United States! I thought there was a rule barring such people from ever becoming a US president.?

    After losing the election following his first success he wasn't satisfied with the outcome and attempted an insurrection which failed and brings us to the present. So what can he do next time around if he succeeds?

    There is no doubt he would have great power as President but, as for all Presidents, his real power is limited by those who really hold the reins of power and this is where the 'Deep State' comes in. Normally thought a menace to society this shadow government has its own agenda and top of its priorities is its own survival. So any popularly elected President deemed a threat to its survival would be dealt with and Trump would be no exception.

    So for those fearing a Trump win could lead to WWIII by a nuclear face-off with Russia over Ukraine for example it is unlikely such an event would be allowed to take place. While the Deep State will tolerate endless human misery inflicted on the lower orders of society any threat to its own existence would not be tolerated. Trump and all such leaders know this. It is ironic that a threatening shadow institution actually becomes a safeguard against nuclear annihilation.

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