rationing of goods and services to be proposed

  1. 5,447 Posts.
    Already in most advanced countries, medical care is rationed by controlling funding. We can expect in the near future that rationing will be mentioned in other areas where the goods or services are high priced. Fuel is an area where some countries will attempt to limit the import levels and reduce consumption. Price alone may not be sufficient to balance an economy and prevent outflows of foreign currency. In the case of USA, printing more $US to pay for oil can only go so far before it becomes devalued in the eyes of holders. Perhaps in the case of USA other measures like rationing will have to be used if the price hikes have little effect. Is it fair that the rich are untouched but industry and the poor take the load? This scenario will be played out in many countries and even the oil producers will be forced to ration customers with drastic results. With dwindling resources we can expect new close partnerships to emerge for mutual survival. So do not be surprised when 'free trade' deals are suddenly offered.
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