The cost of nuclear vs unreliables, page-8

  1. 132 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    CSIRO report is complete rubbish. Not worth the paper it is written on. To account for intermitency with solar, they multiply the cost of solar by 1.4. This is ridiculous! If you have 1 solar panel or 1.4 solar panels, it still generates zero electricity at night. The current wholesale price of electricity is zero when solar is genertaing its power. This pricing tells you adding more solar to the current system is useless because its generating electricity when we don't need it, when the price is zero. Snowy Hydro is costing us $20 bn for tunneling and transmission for 0.22 gigawatts of despatchable power. For that we can have 2 nuclear plants generating 2 gigawatts of stable power. Do the maths, nuclear is 1/9 th of the cost of unreliables backed by transmission and batteries, where the costs of the latter two are enormous. 19 of the top 20 G 20 countries have nuclear and are expanding it because they are not stupid! Anyone who approvingly quotes the CSIRO report shows they know nothing about economics and cost benefit analysis.
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