re: - evolution - kismet What is G-d?A. Ever see Star Wars?...

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    re: - evolution - kismet What is G-d?
    A. Ever see Star Wars? Familiar with the Force? Well, the Force is for real: it is G-d. The Force analogy is a good way to understand what G-d is. “The Force is everywhere. It surrounds and penetrates everyone and everything. You… me… the rock over there… it is all the Force!” Know who said that? Master Yoda. And Yoda’s right—everywhere and everything is G-d. It surrounds us like the atmosphere, and penetrates all matter and energy in the universe.

    B. Some basic facts about G-d: It is alive. It doesn’t change. It exists in all places and times. It existed before there was place and time. It created place and time. It is capable of doing, creating or destroying anything. (Scary thought, huh? But don’t fear—G-d’s all right.) The word “He” is used so we could relate to G-d. But G-d is not male, female, or neither, or both. (See Why is G-d always referred to as "He," isn't G-d genderless?) He/She/It is absolutely not an old man on a cloud flinging lightning bolts: He has no physical, tangible form. He/She/It is not big, small, hot, cold, up, down, right, left, finite or infinite. He’s just… the Force. He is all of those things. He is all things. Everything. Everywhere. He is One, meaning He does not have parts and is not divisible in any way. He cannot be described. (There is a “Dark Side” to the universe too, make no mistake, but G-d controls that too. But that’s another subject—Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?)

    C. Science says that the universe began with a cataclysmic explosion spreading out evenly from a center point. But where did that super-condensed cubic centimeter of original matter come from? And who/what pulled the trigger to fire off that Big Bang? The answer is G-d. Here’s how it works: everything has a beginning and an end; matter can neither be created nor destroyed (it only changes form). We little humans project these facts of life onto everything around us. We therefore ask: “Who created G-d?” or “Where did G-d come from?” Ahh… this is why it’s impossible to understand G-d. Because He is the Ultimate Existence. He was always there, nobody came before Him, nobody created Him, and nobody can destroy Him. How’s that possible? This is something we can’t understand.

    D. Now you're most probably more confused then when you started reading this answer. Well, the truth is that even if you were to study about G-d for an entire life-time, or a billion lifetimes, you would be no nearer to the truth anyway. The human mind is capable of understanding G-d much as a rock can understand the Theory of Relativity. The rock can't understand The Theory (or for that matter, any theory, no matter how simple), not because it didn't study long enough -- but because it doesn't have the ability. Period.

    However, there is a point to studying about G-d: the more you study about Him, the more you realize the depth of His greatness and the totality of your reliance on Him. So, by all means, join a class on Jewish Mysticism and study about G-d until your thoughts are filled of Him all day long. Now that's a really spiritual life! Just give a ring to your nearest Chabad center and find out the time and location of your local Kabbalah class
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