the crew never rape their own , page-85

  1. 22,698 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 7
    "So who would you like to see deported and why? All criminals? All ethnic groups? When you say locals, do you mean Anglo-Saxon Australians? What would you do with second generation immigrants ie those born here? Do you classify them as locals? Would you also like to see immigrants from the UK deported? "

    Richard Nixon the defender of Boat people and Muslims in general.

    Had our previous gutless government done their jobs, they would have been able to deport the Afghan refugee who has so far sexually assaulted 2 kids and then tried to abduct another. But, no, they handed out permanent protection visas to all those people who arrived here without their passports, so now we are stuck with this Afghan serial predator.

    You criticise people on HC for bringing this to light whilst defending Muslims at the same time. Then you try to deflect any criticism by justifying rapes, sexual abuse because it is committed by our own. Meanwhile you fail to praise the current government for only giving out "temporary" protection visas which allows our government to send back people who commit crimes.

    And as far as these latest young men are concerned, go and google Muslim rape in Europe and you will find that this group massively overrepresents rape stats in Europe, and even more so when compared to the small population they represent.

    These young men can't be deported, but they are a product of what we are inheriting and highlights why we should be even more vigilent in allowing Muslims to immigrate.

    No doubt you were one of the people who not so long ago told everyone they were alarmists for quoting European stats.

    Well, can we at least go a week no without Muslim issues affecting our society? Last week we had a cleric fined $500 (what a joke) for promoting paedophilia by marrying off a 13yo girl, a Afghan refugee acquitted on abduction due to "cultural" differences and an anti-muslim politicians house shot at. This week, it is the Bendigo Bank having to take a stance over Muslims and now what looks like a gang rape by what we know are Middle Eastern men.

    No, it won't happen in Australia. You and your apologists Nixon said Australia was different. I wonder what the parents of the girls who were raped feel about your constant defence of boat people and a culture which we know for a fact will overrepresent the population on rapes of Anglo women.
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