donhoop you posted:"You haven't seen the show yet! What do you...

  1. 47 Posts.
    donhoop you posted:
    "You haven't seen the show yet! What do you think they're going to convince you about?
    Glad to see you're gonna watch it with an open mind... none of this pre-judiced stuff!"

    The programme I assume is on suicide bombers.

    Your reply seems to be that we in this country (and all over the West) need to somehow get on the wave-length of these people.

    As if that will somehow get us to better understand their position.

    Do you not have any idea how absolutely crazy and indeed dangerous that approach is?

    Do you not comprehend that regardless what their reasons, greivances or issues are that their behaviour is against everything we as civilised people can accept? And to give them the venue or forum to be heard and to attempt to sway public opinion is exactly the wrong thing to do?
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