The day and hour, page-422

  1. 25,582 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I expect it would be very hard for them to grasp the "within" side of things because they remove the IN from their Bible and replace it with Unity along with many other words so they can make Unity fit.

    Interesting as I thought I would bring up the Greek verses you quote and did a little researching to the actual meaning of the Greek words and surprise surprise the following show up;

    unless anyone is born again,*+ he cannot see the Kingdom of God
    Greek - If not anyone be born anew, not have the power to "see" the kingdom of God.

    And when you go to the latter verses you quote, you have to be of water and Spirit to actually enter the kingdom.

    So there is clearly two different distinctions made, the first you see the kingdom and then the requirement to enter.
    The 1914 ?????? is looking a widdle grim. ha

    Shhhhh,,,,,,,, Don't tell DBT, that there were some standing there which saw the kingdom haha.
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