The day and hour, page-431

  1. 3,408 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 36
    The concept that one has to be religious to express what is "Gods Will " is false , that is just a starting point of moving beyond the sense of duality that challenges all on earth .
    "Gods Will " is simple , to experience the "highest Good for all" ,where there are no victims or powerful people , service arises in a very creative way that builds a true social structure that reflects that which exists in the Heavens/Spiritual worlds . As few have experienced them so we have the constant bickering as to what "Gods Will "is , service can be simple or grand and is known by its outcomes .
    From simple nurturing to very creative inventions to scientific break throughs , nothing destructive to self or others .
    what is called natural abundance must arise and hoarding will cease ..

    There lies within each heart the divine spark which I have witnessed , that is the connection , so as long as you look outside for this
    the message in the New Testament will be misunderstood , what is the "I AM " and how to connect that is the challenge .

    Cheers and Peace
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