Siameseparrot,Excellent post. The only reason why independants...

  1. 1,226 Posts.

    Excellent post. The only reason why independants decided to vote labor was becuase they knew labor would have a longer term; thus if they went back to the polls their seat could have been in jeopordy (even though those seats are historically known as liberal seats - but look at brisbane poll booth changes). It was totally an act of selfishness for those two independants to choose Labor - one of whom will obtain a seat in the cabinet. It is very frustrating and angers me much that Labor could even think of not going back to the polls.

    Aboriginals will be outraged that Labor is in becuase mining companies do more for them than any government and now with this resource tax inplace becuase their royalties will dissapear making the situation worse- especially Noel Pearson! Also, the Keating gov, who were apparently forward thinking- didnt really "care" about the indigenous population- like most would think frm the Redfern Address- this was smoke and mirrors- because Keating used this to build international relationships!- not for his own people- he used symbolic reconciliation- and yes, sorry had to be said, but it was the howard government who actually used practical measures to try and close the gap!!
    honestly, neither is really interested- no one wants to lose power as the "fear" involved is too dominant.

    Now with this useless government in place there is poised to be higher taxes, higher debt, lower foriegn investment, higher uneomployment and I could go on. Labor through the GFC put austrlias debt to GDP levels to above 8% from 0%and I'm afraid of where this will be in 3 years time.

    If Julia Gillard was all for Australians she should go back to the polls immediately - but she wont, as like all politicians, she is only in it for herself. The result is an outrage and absolutely dispicable.
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