TLDR: hopelessness, polarisation, serfdom, apathy, decent...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 50

    TLDR: hopelessness, polarisation, serfdom, apathy, decent (political/corporate), anger.

    Unfortunately it has been evidenced clearly with social media that binary conflict gets the most clicks and engagement, hence more money, hence more power, hence why data is so valuable. This same principle can be extrapolated to just about every aspect of capitalist society. Create bait for profit. Therefore everything trends toward more alarmist, more hyperbolic, more controversial, more division. Even government is actively participating with polarisation campaigns. Alas outrage culture. I often wonder if it is truly organic or engineered, I speculatively tend toward engineered, historically industrial revolutions result in financial up heavle - industrial to tech was fairly seamless given the compatibility with expansion and fiat. We are now entering a semi to autonomous automation age, how is expansion and fiat compatible with automation ? Impossible. There is a saying something along the lines of if you want to rebuild a society you must first tear it down, or something of that effect, so the two gangs you speak of are likely to completing for just that. If common ground isn’t reached civil war would result. Given the technicals on the indices government willingness to participate in polarisation it would appear we are headed toward a crescendo of some description. It is particularly bad timing given the rise in China and a falling super power generally doesn’t give it up willingly. Hence trade war, hence QE 4, hence 0 interest rates. So who knows how it plays out.

    In the mean time personal debt off the charts, cost of living off the charts, CPI manipulated, privatisation of utilities, removal of free higher education, loss of manufacturing to service/housing industry(debt industries), back end limiting public heath care surgeries to inflate private health, bubble housing price via various means, sale of Australia to corporate interest, giga corporations paying next to no tax, dual income requirement disguised with altruism, aka lagging wage growth and immigration to keep the ponzi inflated.
    Essentially a long slow degradation of society, like a crab in a pot in the name of growth, power and ever tightening noose around the neck.

    A couple generations now have come into unaffordable housing, essentially facing a life time of debt slavery without mummy and daddy assistance. Pair that with the above wall of text, incoming automation age and retiring baby boomers you have an ever growing population complete with the TLDR list. You end up with millennials and such that will gladly go to court with f@tty m€f¥€kh£ad, because they have absolutely 0 to lose and get told it’s their fault because their lazy. Emerging suicide rate terrible, mental heath terrible.

    The ‘right’ will hate this but in closing unity, compassion, community, empathy, understanding, political reform to suit modern/future times and freedom from forever escalating financial tyranny or face the consequences. If you think you are above war sitting in your comfortable arm chair, think again. War finds you and if it is anything like my grandpa described it as nazi concentration camp survivor, what you thought was your reality would bisapprear so fast you would still be in system shock 10 years after it was over, particularly sheltered Australians.

    Simulation over.

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