The difference between Religion & Philosophy, page-4

  1. 6,573 Posts.
    To some extent we have lost our way with both philosophy and religion.

    Philosophy is about empowering human comprehension and to explore the limits of human comprehension, including the internal and external self and covers science and religion beneath its umbrella of contemplation.

    Descartes with his, I think, therefore I am, can be blamed for starting off modern philosophy. He couldn't doubt his own existence because he was the one doubting. Locke thought we were born a blank slate, but I'm not sure about that. Hume, as an empiricist, said all we can know is what we experience in material existence, but I'm not sure about that either. Our art, music, intuition, imagination, etc, may be influenced by our material existence, but it seems to be not just limited to our experiences.

    Voltaire and Kant tried to bridge the rational and the empirical by suggesting that all knowledge comes through the senses that is then filtered by the rational mind.

    Most of the great philosophers believed in some religious, spiritual or deist point of view at some stage in their lives and were greatly influenced by such views. It's more in this age that a forced separation of philosophy, religion and science has taken place.

    Real Philosophy does not begin and end with words. It seeks real world outcomes from the contemplation of the realities of all things from within the sciences and spiritual minded fields.

    Real Religion should create an environment for the asking of any question that gets us closer to the absolute truths behind reality. It must include philosophy and science as aspects of its truth seeking. It must question if life has a purpose, or not and if so what that purpose might be.
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