A few days ago I posted that while we may not run out ofhospital...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 32
    A few days ago I posted that while we may not run out of
    hospital beds, the system was so broken
    we were running out of troops to staff the buildings.

    The extent of the disaster is never mentioned at the daily
    press announcements (usually mid day).

    This is what I wrote (note date):


    Family member said in a phone call a few minutes ago
    that the figures are rising by the minute.

    She had been ordered out of her office.

    In Today's The Age: Note date is 26/8/20 - three days later


    The article says there are "more than" 50 staff infected
    and 700 staff in quarantine isolation.

    Piffle, it is a lot worse than that.

    Whole floors of the hospital are closed.
    Specialists are only allowed in under strict rules.

    There is an embargo on visitors from another 10 hospitals
    Think surgeons, anaethetists, blood, heart etc specialists.

    This all happened because public servants and contractors were too
    stupid to do their jobs.

    Deputy Health Chief went on TV to "explain" why
    it was OK to release people who refused to be tested
    Straight Back into the Community.

    Her explanation was as loony as she is.

    In Victoria we are in deep tish

    The public servants do not have the common sense of next doors cat.
    But we are looking after diversity and first nations.

    The Rosebud Pool has been renamed "Yawa".
    Some vandal added a few letters to the sign in texta

    It now reads YAWA NKER.

    Of course kids will not say "can I go to Rosebud pool"

    They will say "I want to go to yawa"

    not bloody likely.
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