Good Morning Everyone, One can only go by our own life...

  1. 518 Posts.
    Good Morning Everyone,

    One can only go by our own life experiences.... if you care to indulge me, here are some of mine (feel free to ignore).

    Although I am not a homeopath, for over 25 years homeopathy (and natural therapies in general) have been my first choice of treatment for our family and it has proven itself incredibly effective time and time again. I've lived in third world countries and my basic little homeopathic first aid kit, which grew and grew to include quite a few other remedies, provided a tremendous sense of security for our young family.

    We were a family of five so you can imagine there have been quite a list of ailments. eg

    Malaria and Dengue fever (yes incredibly effective against those mosquito borne parasites and the "cure" was permanent.... no life long relapses)
    Whooping Cough (to this day I can't believe how quickly this relieved those congested little lungs, our baby was only 6 weeks old at the time)
    Measles, roseaola
    Quinsy (temp was so high it was very scary)
    Fingers crushed in car door - (so intensely painful - hypericum was the life saver)
    Ear aches and infections
    Second degree burns (no residual scarring at all, not even a trace)
    Sore throat
    Diarrohea and vomiting (absolute god send)
    Coughs, colds
    Heomorrhoids, gout and other stress related issues (ok secret is out.. don't tell the ex .. haha)

    We tried the medically prescribed prophlaxis medications for malaria (back then it was chloroquine and others I can't remember the name of), side effects dizziness, nausea... horrible and I was uncomfortable giving my young children this chemical cocktail on a weekly basis. We lived there for 9 years.

    We did have occasion to go to a regular GP, mainly for accidents such as stitches and broken bones. For the aftercare again used homeopathics treatment and not the prescribed anti-biotics. ie Arnica for bruising, symphytum for mending the broken bones. etc.

    So this is my brief outline, homeopathy worked for us and you can post as many "cited studies" and other scientific proof you like but nothing you say will ever convince me that this stuff doesn't work. My life experience is proof enough for me.

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