or... could be because my daughter is in her thirties now...

  1. 518 Posts.
    or... could be because my daughter is in her thirties now genius. Remember what I said about being tested for rubella immunity when females are pregnant... 2 babies... hence she knows her immunity status. Who knows where her immunity came from.... remember those symptoms you posted earlier. Mild fever, runny nose, rash etc .... wherever she got it... she now has full blown NATURAL immunity.

    My question was rhetorical...(look it up) "what are you a pharma rep?"... because you were sprouting cr@p about Gardasil/HPV. about which you are obviously clueless.

    "No need to go there on life experience", judging by the amount of posts sprouting your opinion on HC you're a keyboard warrior with no life. 2854 posts in just 3 years 54 of in one day alone... (yesterday).... If you had a relationship... I'd say it sucks... because you are glued to HC.

    BTW hope you've had your adult booster shot .Y. or if you did leave your house you would be a danger to the community.

    Anyway... no doubt you will come back with some retort... won't be here to read it... I am off to live a life...
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