The dribble she gets paid for;

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    AOC Says Abortion is an ‘Economic Issue’ Because Raising Kids Forces Parents to ‘Work More Against Their Will’

    By Cassandra Fairbanks
    Published September 29, 2022 at 4:00pm

    Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has asserted that abortion is an economic issue because raising kids forces parents to “work more against their will.”

    AOC made the claims during a House hearing about abortion restrictions on Thursday.

    Abortion is an economic issue,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Forcing poor and working-class people to give birth against their will, against their consent, against their ability to provide for themselves or a child, is a profound economic issue and it’s certainly a way to keep a workforce basically conscripted to large-scale employers and to employers to work more against their will, to take second and third jobs against their desire and their own autonomy.”
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