The Dumbest Nation On Earth " Australia ", page-15

  1. 9,509 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 522
    The Courier Mail is a club magazine published by Foreign owned Limited News, if i'm not mistaken.

    how surprising it should publish such an article, in which it attacks ALP leader Shorten and does nothing but praise PM Abbott.

    sadly for Australia, Abbott has clearly demonstrtaed he is unfit for the job. Even though i now live offshore, the screaming support for the school chaplaincy program, more funds to train priests (who then rape children) and $100,000 university degrees can be heard around the globe.

    Abbott must put his adopted country first and step down, there are at least a couple of his colleagues who could probably do the job quite well and they ought be given a chance.

    how bad will it be in 2015, the 100th anniversary of the landings at Galipoli, to have such solemn commemorations led by someone who wasn't born in Australia and hasn't demonstrated when they renounced dual citizenship. Someone who doesn't know and who will turn the event into a religious farce.

    a man who told voters that anything he said could be a lie, and then proved it.
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