The Dumbest Nation On Earth " Australia ", page-68

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    practically if we dont dig it out and sell it to these large, powerful nations that want it, they might eventually be tempted to come and take it from us if they need it enough...

    However our economy has become rather dependent on resources due primarily to the massive China demand...

    Certainly any of our neighbors witnessing this political boondoggle that the union-bosses seem to be orchestrating would be laughing at our foolishness in allowing a mafia of criminal gangster union-bosses to have such over-riding control of our political environment here, but their laughter would have to be somewhat shallow since it is not that likely that their political systems are much better or clean from mafia/gangster type control and corruption either...

    Australia has always been termed "The Lucky Country" and with good reason...

    After 6 years of the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus and capricious union-boss plundering and insane greenie dictats we probably also deserve the label "The Stupid Country"...

    It would seem to be up to us to do our collective best to erase the stigma of stupidity that the failed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd clown circus attached to us by allowing the current Liberal Government to govern as we elected them to do and to start the long and difficult repair and recovery process...
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