What do we about immigrants who value their religious beliefs...

  1. 1,518 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 8
    What do we about immigrants who value their religious beliefs above their duty to their adopted country and fellow citizens?
    Should we accept them?

    Because then, by definition, you can never have a united country to the benefit of ALL it's citizens.
    Your loyalty is first to your country and fellow citizens and your family. Thereafter comes everything else including your religion.

    Muslims (or any other religion or groups) who will not accept our laws and tolerate our customs and culture are of no value to any of us. They will be a destructive force and many of them will then become radicalised leading to the horror acts we see today. It is a throwback to the worst of medieval times and becomes manipulated by cruel and greedy men for their own ends. The religious leaders preach peace etc. but always seem reluctant to stand up to, and get rid of, the extremists who preach hatred and death. If the vast majority of Muslims are peaceful and loyal citizens then why do they allow many of their religious leaders to lead them when they clearly approve of the extreme elements in their religion?
    If they truly believe that their religion is tolerant and not anti-Christian then they would act to rid themselves of errant religious leaders and the extremists within their religion.

    The mounting resistance to Muslim immigrants is growing strongly throughout Europe and especially in Scandinavian countries who welcomed them with open arms and let them benefit from their generosity and kindness. Now there are entrenched ghettos and much racial hatred. How has this immigration helped these countries?

    We cannot just sit back and let this situation meander along. What is being done to get average Aussies working together with average Muslims to openly discuss these problems and thrash out ways to handle these extreme religious leaders and militants who seek only violence.

    I grew up in Zululand and spoke fluent Zulu long before I could speak fluent Afrikaans (my family was English speaking). As a result I came to know the Zulu people, their customs and beliefs and I grew to love them as a people. Still do. They are a great people.

    That is what breaks down barriers and leads to mutual understanding - constant interaction at all levels yet I see little evidence of this happening between Muslim immigrants and Aussie born citizens here. What we have is a serious lack of assimilation and wide spread ignorance of each others true attitudes, intentions and beliefs. There is little or no trust.

    The left wing liberals response is to reduce everything to labels and we end up with PC which further confuses people and just leads to more racial divides. The right wing types just want to fight and kick everybody who does not agree with them out of the country.

    I was opposed to the policy of positive discrimination when first used in South Africa and there has been much corruption BUT it is working albeit with a lot of problems and hiccups.

    We need to do much more along these lines here.

    Interaction at all levels between all groups is the real answer - without the constant bleating from pseudo intellectuals who keep shouting RACIST at every opportunity. It is not helpful and just causes people to take entrenched and opposite positions. Look what has happened in the USA today. Who would have thought a black President, with everything in his favour INCLUDING OVERWHELMING WHITE AND BLACK SUPPORT, could so further damage race relations and create the worst racial divides since the 60's?

    Just focus on the job at hand and let people be people and work out the solutions together.
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