The end is nigh, page-25

  1. 32 Posts.
    Household debt is 2 trillion not 6.

    What is Australia’s personal debt?

    As of 2016, Australia’s total personal debt is around $2 trillion and the average Australian household owes $250,000. This debt can be broken down into the following categories.
    • Mortgages. Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data analysed in the AMP.NATSEM report showed that mortgages for owner-occupier housing makes up 56.3% of all personal debt in Australia.
    • Investor debt. Debt associated with investments such as rental properties or shares makes up 36.5% of our household debt.
    • Personal debt. Personal loans make up 3.1% of Australian household debt and are commonly used to buy cars, other consumer items or to pay for holidays.
    • Student debt. Debt from student loans, particularly Higher Education Loan Program (HELP) loans (formerly known as HECS), makes up 2.1% of Australian household debt. The AMP.NATSEM report says this figure reflects the time it takes to pay off these loans, with repayments typically deducted from your salary when you reach the threshold ($54,869 for the 2016-17 tax year).
    • Credit card debt. While there are often reports on the sheer volume of credit card debt in Australia, it only makes up 1.9% of all household debt.

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