the enemy within, page-64

  1. gga
    1,125 Posts.
    I believe I have nothing further constructive to add (if it was ever that); therefore, this is just some house-keeping before I take a day off tomorrow (hopefully).

    - the Israel 'free-rider' (my words) issue is so frustrating; I truly believe the US (and by co-option, the UK, Canada, Australia etc) are mortgaging their own citizens' lives and futures for the benefit of a state that is thumbing its nose at the international community. The longer this one-sided relationship goes on, the deeper the morass will be.

    - re: karma. That's why I said "the disproportionate ills" this group brings. To use an analogy, they are simply too "high-maintenance" and therefore not worth the trouble. eg. I remember my, er, annoyance at the ungratefulness (my words, again) of the Albanians when Australia sheltered them during the Kosovo War:

    (link is broken up into 2 parts, it should be one continuous line)

    Uh, right-wingers should probably skip the first site that comes up on that link.
    I remember talking back then to a Vietnamese guy who had come into Australia as a refugee (he said he and his family had languished for years in Malaysia in not very fun conditions) and even he shook his head and jokingly said, "Wow, spoiled people nowadays. Death, or discomfort. Choose."

    - I'm a meat and potatoes guy. I'm a simple(istic) guy :). This is probably why I can't hack it as a Deep Value/Graham & Dodd investor (despite respecting its veracity) and trade Momentum/Trend-Following.

    - now we come to the most important part of the house-keeping:
    lest the Mods think I'm talking about the same ethnicity or religion when I talk about "MY people", I'm afraid I qualify for neither. In fact, I share more melanin with the Prime Minister's little Josephine than with the PM. Australia is my (larger) family - you are all my brothers and sisters. Patriots, who would build up Australia, rather than tear it down. This is what I meant when I said my people... Australians.

    "(yes) He is a credit to his race, the human race" - Jimmy Cannon, of Joe Louis. This is the Pollyanna world my bleeding fingertips still grasp onto.


    kerrepei, haha, we are on equal standing then in regards to having authority on this issue. I am nothing but a ranting (& ever grateful) Citizen. In fact, after 9/11, I applied for ASIO citing knowledge of regional languages and rudimentary understanding of religious practices (am too much of a coward to be a Billy Sing) - since nothing came of it, no harm done in stating it here.

    Politicians: it was...heartening to see Ms Merkel along with Messrs. Sarkozy and Cameron finally acknowledge the unspoken truth although I wish Merkel and Cameron would have taken the extra step because it's not all multiculturalism that has to be thrown out with the bathwater - there is one particularly troublesome squeaky wheel (apologies for the mangled metaphors)

    If you are insulated from this ugliness (and I hope for the better), then I wish you an eternity away from it. I also wish you good health and good wealth, in that order!


    Onto more flippant things:

    - ^ Would that we have more Wong Fei Hungs, Fong Sai Yuks, Robin Hoods, Bulldog Drummonds, Zorros et al around!

    - Man, this is depressing! I'm gonna honour the theme of this forum ('pick up a dollar for 50c') and try to catch some Cheap Tuesday movies tomorrow.

    First, some escapism in the form of 'Truth, Justice, and the *Ahem* *Ahem* Way' with 'Man of Steel'
    & then,
    a fable with unpleasant allusions to this thread, 'World War Z'.
    Actually, I might reverse the viewing order to preserve my sanity.
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