The evil plan to snare John Dyson Heydon AC QC

  1. 7,659 Posts.
    Who, what, when, where and how in the plan to snare John Dyson Heydon AC QC

    Yesterday The Australian ran a story by Michael Pelly describing the events leading up to the media frenzy over Dyson Heydon.
    As a result the ACTU sought and received a delay to the delivery of Commissioner Heydon's decision in the ACTU's recusal appliication. They'll be making submissions this afternoon.
    I think we can piece together a little more detail about what's gone on here.

    At 5.30PM on 12 August Marcus Priest called Chris Wimslow. They are respectively:
    1. Marcus Priest

    Appears on ABC Green/environmental issues -^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author
    And the LlinkedIn page for him has this as of now

    2, Chris Winslow

    Chris's LinkedIn profile also lists the causes he cares about and the organisations to which he gives support. Including The NSW Greens where he is a candidate for the seat of Greenaway in the upcoming federal elsection.
    Causes Chris cares about:

    • Environment
    • Politics
    • Poverty Alleviation
    Organizations Chris supports:

    According to The Australian's account of the conversation, Priest's phoned Wilsow to ask about the April 2015 Bar Association's alert, or promotional mention of the Sir Garfield Barwick address to be delivered in August:

    Priest asked Winslow about a bar association alert, put out in April, about the Sir Garfield Barwick lecture — the one that had Dyson Heydon, who was conducting the politically sensitive royal commission into trade unions, as its keynote speaker.

    Here is that alert:

    Note no mention of the Liberal Party connection. The internet link takes you to this on the Bar Association's publication - it's been removed. By whom we don't know, but the Publications Manager might be alogical starting point.

    More on the trail of where it started Here:
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