I guess it partially depends what you consider to be the process proper.
As we know they have already started the meetings etc., and my mail is that the newspaper article posted a few days ago is pretty much on the money i.e. mid to late this month with the standard one month decision/processing time.
Unfortunately, this is about as close to confirmed as anyone is likely to get in the Solomon's (as we all know). LMAO! The only organisation that communicates more poorly than Axiom is the Solomon Islands Government.
Having said that, the process HAS begun and will no longer be delayed as it is too important for ALL stakeholders. They will not have it!!
BTW, IF it really does come down to landowner/LOCAL's choice we will get it 100%. As most know we are the only ones that have embedded ourselves seamlessly (or as seamlessly as possible in the Solomon's), into the community. Is is true to say that there is some animosity but it is limited and not material reference the allocating of the Isabel ML. Axiom is by and large liked and trusted.....not something that many foreign organisations can say. Conversely, I agree Sumitomo are in the community but they are not trusted let alone liked.
Reference Sumitomo applying, I didn't say that they wouldn't. I simply state that they cannot be successful given the current legislation. Can that be changed or the game rigged......possibly, but VERY VERY unlikely. Having said that I have been told as late as last week that they have not applied at this stage.
I'm sure many will disagree but that is my understanding.