the facts

  1. 211 Posts.
    Dear Comrades.

    As much as it upsets you and all your brothers, the truth is the was no union 'force' with Snowy, you may know this as SMA or Snowy Mountains Authory.

    And the reason why the unions were not there was there was no need.

    And it would have been extremely unhealthy for any union offical.

    What you have found in some net site or what ever stating other wise is wrong.

    and THOUSANDS of Snowy workers could and would prove you 100% wrong.

    As you were never there or just read newspapers about the subject, you dear bother comrades are just dreaming and wishful thinking.

    The idea that the unions wrote newspapers for workers.
    is odd as I have NEVER saw or heard of one nor have others that I phoned today.

    These same people roared with laugher when I told them that the good comrades on HC said the unions were there !

    English classes for workers run by the unions, I NEVER or heard of one, nor did the people who worked there either.

    Now, why was it unhealthy for union officals to be found on Snowy.

    Some facts that may upset you comrade but none the less are totally true.

    Snowy ran just after the Second World War.
    and as such had most of its workers were victims of this shocking event.

    During this time and after Russia, the Commies, the Reds were attacking countries like Hungary and Czech Republic and other countries in including Eastern Germany AND KILLING all before them.

    Comrades, you may not have read it in your newspaper, as you were most likely way too young or still hadn't been born.

    There were many Germans who had killed Russians, to try and save Germany AND the World from the Communists who planned to invade Germany and all other countries.... got it, >>> all other countries.

    This proved to be right, correct.

    Well they did take over a large section of Europe and Eastern Europe.

    How do I know?
    I worked for years with these people the Germans.

    I did not gain my knowledge from a web site, written 50 or 60 years after, nor did I see some movie or read a newspaper, like the common arm chair expert.

    These people from aircraft and tank commander and troops thought any red, a commie there was only one place for him or her.

    The best thing was to fly as low as you can, with all machine guns blazing, including your 20mm cannon from your ME109 and get as many as possible.

    Most hated the commies, the reds, and the unions represented the commies and reds and still have a left wing veiw of the World.

    And would have thought nothing of removing another commie or red, as they had done for many years.

    There were people from Hungary, who fought against your comrade mates, the commies and reds from Russia, killed many in a way it is hard to beleive, and had to kiil to eascape their homeland.

    Some had kiiled all they could, as the Commies, the reds had killed all their family !
    Some had kiiled commies or reds, about10 to 14 days before arriving to work with Snowy.

    And would have killed any commie or red found, in fact would have been extremely proud.

    The had a hate of the commies you just would not understand, unless they, the commies had invaded your country and killed your family, before your eyes !!!!!!!!
    How do I know, I worked for years with these people,

    They were and are mates.

    I worked for years with these wonderful people.

    I did not gain my knowledge from a web site, written 50 or 60 years after, nor did I see some movie or read a newspaper, like the common arm chair expert.

    Then there are Czechs, the same,
    then there are East Germans who ran as the Commies and or reds shot at them, then later killed their family.

    And more.

    Therefore please DO NOT TELL ME, I am wrong, as YOU WERE NOT THERE.

    Do you know about the gun fight, just like in the cowboy movies, where one group was at one end of the street and the other, the other end ?

    So comrade do not tell me about the unions being there, EVER, because you are totally 100% wrong.

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