the failure of science, page-4

  1. 12,484 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 6
    Yes, Cheers Moby. Someone must have the page continually reloading.

    I agree with your point that humans can rationalise whatever they want. The core of what I am trying to say is that creationalists attempt to rationalise whatever they want as science, and science should be more effective in marginalising them as curiosities of psychological science rather than having a credible voice in earth or biological science within mainstream society.

    I have nothing against religion as a philosophy, which has been around since the dawn of humanity. Multitudes of religions have come, gone and still exists and their gods exist in the minds of the practitioners until they are no longer practiced.

    But if you took five experts in earth science, one Islam, one Hindu, one Jew, one Christian and one Buddhist and asked them the age of the earth, they would all come up with a similar number. If you ask a creationists they will come up with an impossibly small number and still claim that as science. Clearly, the creationist has no place in such a discussion, yet they continually try and justify one.
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